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Help with budgeting and finances

Many people experience financial difficulties because of their own gambling or someone else’s gambling.

If you’re trying to keep track of spending, or need support with managing finances, debt or spending limits, our advice can help.

Keeping track of your money

To help manage and keep track of your finances there are several things you can do, including:

  • calculating expenses
  • setting financial goals
  • setting spending limits

Keeping track of your money

Calculate your expenses

You should calculate and set aside money for all essential expenses. For example, utility bills, food shopping, rent and mortgage payments.

Money Plus Advice has a disposable income calculator to work out how much money you have left after paying your essential expenses.

Disposable income calculator

Calculate your expenses

Set financial goals

Working towards financial goals can be a good way to:

  • help you keep track of spending
  • plan for what you want your life to look like

The Citizens Advice budget planner can help you work out how much money to set aside every month to reach your goals. 

Guide to using spending pots

Set spending limits

You might find it helpful to set a spending limit to remind you not to spend more than you can afford. This could be a weekly or monthly spending limit and should be realistic.

Some people prefer to set a limit and keep track of it themselves. But there are tools that you can use to guide you, including:

  • our spend calculator
  • savings pots
  • budgeting apps and planners
  • income and expenses trackers 

Gambling spend calculator

Our spend calculator can help give you a better understanding of the money you or someone you know spends on gambling. 

Use our spending calculator

Gambling spend calculator

Savings pots

Many UK banks offer savings pots. Savings pots are funds which you put money into regularly, for example every month. You can then use the money in the pot to pay for a specific expense.

Savings pots help to make sure your key expenses are covered, and your money goes where you need it to.

MoneyHelper has a guide on managing your money by separating it out into savings pots.  

Read the MoneyHelper guide

Savings pots

Budgeting apps and planners

Budgeting apps and planners can help give you an overview of your spending. You can sync the apps with your bank accounts to keep track of your income and expenses.

Find out more about: 

If you exceed a spending limit

There might be times where you or someone you know struggles to stick to spending limits. It's important not to be discouraged if this happens. There are several tools you can use to help get spending back under control.

If you exceed a spending limit

Set up a bank block

Many UK banks allow you to block your bank account or card from being used for gambling transactions. If you have this activated and try to gamble, your transaction should be declined.

If you want to set up a bank block, you should contact your bank. They will be able to tell you if bank blocks are available and will support you through the steps to setting it up.

Banks offering gambling blocks

Block gambling and self-exclusion

Gambling blocking software limits your access to gambling websites. The software can be downloaded onto your phone, computer or tablet.

If you think you or someone you know spends too much money gambling, you can also ask gambling companies to stop you from gambling with them. This is called self-exclusion.

Find out more about gambling blocking

Help for if your finances are affected
by gambling 

If you’re having financial difficulties because of your own, or someone else’s gambling, know that there’s help available for you. There are many charities and organisations that support people with their finances.  

You can ask them about how to protect yourself and your family from gambling-related debt. You can also ask them for advice if your partner has gambling debt. 

Help with gambling debt

Money struggles can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone.

If you’re having trouble paying your essential expenses, or if you have debts you cannot repay because of your own, or someone else’s gambling, you can: 

Find out your debt

If you’d like to get a full report of how much gambling debt you have taken out, or how much has been taken out in your name, you can request a full credit score and detailed report.

Find out your credit score with Checkmyfile

Check what to do if someone has borrowed money in your name

If you or someone else owes money to loan sharks you should contact the police as soon as possible. These are illegal lenders.

Report a loan shark

Talking to your bank or an advisor

If you're having financial difficulties, speaking to your bank might help. Your bank will not refund you for money you've lost gambling.

You can also speak to an organisation or charity that supports people with finances. For example:

If you’re not sure how to start a conversation about gambling:

Read our conversation starter

Talking to your bank or an advisor

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However you’re feeling right now, we’re here to help.

The National Gambling Support Network helps people struggling with gambling, and people who are worried about someone else’s gambling.

Call or chat online to an advisor, and speak one-to-one for confidential advice, information and support.

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