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Increase in number of people accessing the National Gambling Support Network

Annual statistics for the National Gambling Support Network from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 released by GambleAware.

Showing 40 of 245 results

GambleAware evaluation of residential rehabilitation programme reveals positive outcomes for clients

GambleAware publishes evaluation of residential rehabilitation programme with Adferiad Recovery and Gordon Moody.

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GambleAware publishes evaluation of residential rehabilitation programme with Adferiad Recovery and Gordon Moody.

GambleAware research suggests some in the LGBTQ+ community may be at increased risk of gambling harm

New scoping study exploring existing evidence on gambling harms and the experiences of those in the LGBTQ+ community has been published by GambleAware.

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New scoping study exploring existing evidence on gambling harms and the experiences of those in the LGBTQ+ community has been published by GambleAware.

GambleAware response to statutory industry levy consultation

Statement in full from GambleAware's CEO, Zoë Osmond, following the closure of the consultation on the statutory levy on gambling operators

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Statement in full from GambleAware's CEO, Zoë Osmond, following the closure of the consultation on the statutory levy on gambling operators

New trustee joins GambleAware Board

A new trustee joins GambleAware to help guide its work.

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A new trustee joins GambleAware to help guide its work.

New report demonstrates link between racism, discrimination, and gambling harm

GambleAware publishes new report on the lived experience of gambling and gambling harms among Minority communities in Great Britain

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GambleAware publishes new report on the lived experience of gambling and gambling harms among Minority communities in Great Britain

Gambling harms support delivered by third sector helped nine out of 10 improve condition - annual statistics reveal

New GambleAware data from the National Gambling Treatment Service (NGTS) and the newly commissioned National Gambling Support Network (NGSN) highlight high efficacy and impact.

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New GambleAware data from the National Gambling Treatment Service (NGTS) and the newly commissioned National Gambling Support Network (NGSN) highlight high efficacy and impact.

Two in three people experiencing gambling problems keep issue hidden

GambleAware calls on society to ‘open up about gambling’ as new data shows stigma continues to represent major barrier to seeking support.

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GambleAware calls on society to ‘open up about gambling’ as new data shows stigma continues to represent major barrier to seeking support.

GambleAware publishes independent review of scale used to identify gambling harm

GambleAware has published a report on the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) scale

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GambleAware has published a report on the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) scale

Research suggests fewer people accessing support or treatment for gambling harms in Scotland

GambleAware finds that across Scotland, fewer people experiencing gambling problems are accessing treatment, support or advice compared to the average across Britain

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GambleAware finds that across Scotland, fewer people experiencing gambling problems are accessing treatment, support or advice compared to the average across Britain

New research shows that people in North West are more likely to be affected by someone else’s gambling

GambleAware releases new interactive data maps of Great Britain, outlining gambling harms at both a local authority and parliamentary constituency level

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GambleAware releases new interactive data maps of Great Britain, outlining gambling harms at both a local authority and parliamentary constituency level

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